Adoption Info
All of our animals have been spay/neutered, have vaccinations including add-on’s such as feline leukemia in cats and rabies/bordetella in dogs. We alter our cats at 5 months and our pups at 6 months. In the case of kittens or puppies too young to be altered, the cost of the surgery is included in our adoption fee, and will be done as soon as the animal is of an appropriate age at one of our participating vet clinics.
Our adoption policy is fairly simple: We’re looking for quality, longterm homes with responsible owners. In the case of cats, we are looking for indoor-only homes for anyone living in a town or city, and encourage people to be aware of any Bylaws in their municipalities pertaining to cats. For acreage owners looking for an indoor-outdoor cat, we typically have a number of cats to be considered for that kind of life and encourage owners to talk to us about potential personalities who may suit what they’re hoping to find.
We have a barn-buddy program to rehome feral cats, and we do ask for specific information of available shelter and access to food and water to give the cats every reasonable chance of survival and owner commitment to care.
Adoption fees are as follows:
$250 – Kittens under 6 months (includes 2 sets of vaccinations, spay/neuter, tattoo and 2 dewormers)
$200 – Cats over 6 months (includes at least one set of vaccinations, spay/neuter, tattoo and 1-2 dewormers)
$500 – Dogs of any age (includes 1 set of vaccinations for adults, 2 sets for puppies, spay/neuter, tattoo and 2 dewormers)
Follow up support is always available and it means just that. If you have adopted one of our animals and are experiencing any manner of problem, from behavioral to health, we are always available to offer our input and give you the benefit of our knowledge regarding most health issues.
Should an adoption totally breakdown and the animal needs to returned, HCW will always take back our animals. Always. We are available by phone at 403-601-2520, by cell at 403-660-4744 or by email at Regardless of how small or large the problem is, we understand the importance of blending a new animal into your home and lifestyle, and we understand that changes can occur over time. For our animal to be happy, the new owners must be too, and we’re here to help.
The 10 Day Trial is in place specifically for dog adoptions. This is the opportunity for you to take the dog into your home and really get a good idea of whether or not this is the right dog for your circumstances, and at the right time. It’s an opportunity to make sure you are as prepared as you feel you are, and a chance for you to interact with the dog in your home, without making the financial, or frankly, the emotional commitment.
If, after 10 days, you decide to return the dog, no harm has been done. They have received good care during those days, and the readjustment into our environment will be easy for them. Additionally, you’ll be able to provide us with further information and observations of the dog’s behavior, all information that is good for us to know as we continue to talk about them for adoption. If you decide to commit to the dog, we schedule a time to finish the adoption in your home. Their veterinary paperwork becomes part of your adoption package and will be given to you at the time of adoption. Doing paperwork in the new owners home is a chance for us to ensure people have represented themselves honestly, that the dog is safe and content, the environment is secure and as described during the screening process. It’s also an opportunity to ask questions, go through training tips, or any other areas of concern with the adoption co-ordinator.
Whether cat or dog, we feel that each of our animals is special because they have survived, and it is very important to all of us at Heaven Can Wait that we have made a good match on behalf of the animal and of the adopting individual or family. It’s what we live by.
Adoption Application
We are not funded by local or provincial government and are supported by donations from the public, adoption fees and funds or services provided by Heaven Can Wait’s Founder and its volunteers.
All animals available for adoption have been spayed / neutered, received vaccinations, dewormer and have been identified by tattoo. In the case of animals too young to alter, the cost of the spay/neuter and tattoo are included in your adoption fee.
We cannot guarantee the long-term health of the animal you are considering adopting. Most of our animals come from unknown origins and while all animals have been treated by a veterinarian and every effort is made to ensure the basic health of our animals, it is still possible that some are incubating diseases which are not readily apparent at the time of adoption. Each adoption is an individual process and we will be available to offer support, the benefit of our experience and in certain cases, financial help.
Under no circumstances should an animal from Heaven Can Wait be sold, traded or given away. If you cannot continue to care for your adopted animal, then it must be returned to Heaven Can Wait where we will make every attempt possible to secure another long-term alternative for that animal.
Please take the time to fill out the Adoption Questionnaire to the best of your ability. Applications are processed within 72 hours.